Opening Night 2018-19 Season

By | 20th September 2018

Our welcome evening got off to an early start with new members, keen to meet us, starting to arrive at 6.45. The process for enrolling new and re-joining members was busy and we were pleased to see so many new faces.
As people arrived, we quickly set up our demonstration tables for some practical work. Some brought their cameras and took the opportunity to try out some photography techniques using the light boxes and props we had set up. We looked at DSLR cameras, micro 4/3 and phones, everyone having a go at capturing some images and learning techniques.
Tea, coffee and refreshments flowed and the noise level was deafening but we only heard positive comments about the evening.
Our Chairman, Rajinder, welcomed everyone and briefly explained our plans for the coming season, introducing the committee members.
We promoted the Worthing Library exhibition which is displaying 23 printed images by our members and runs until September 29th.
The 2018-19 Programme is now under way and we are all looking forward to welcoming Lyn Phillips next week (25th) for a photography talk. Lyn is a favourite with the club as her evenings are always fun, informative and interactive, so don’t miss it!


Getting to know each other

Examples of practical work