
Membership to Worthing Camera Club is open to anyone throughout the season, and is priced as follows (for the 2024-25 season):

Annual membership £60

Under 18s* £30 (Must be accompanied by a Parent / Guardian in the hall and on Club photowalks)

Membership renewal fees are payable in full in September, at the commencement of each season, by all except Honorary members. Honorary membership is awarded to long-standing members in recognition of their contribution to the club.  Anyone joining on or after 1 January during the season are only required to pay two thirds of the annual membership.

We encourage anyone thinking of joining the club to attend one of our outings or meetings (for free), so that you can meet members of the club and see what a friendly outfit we are.

Note: If you attend an outing we ask that you sign a disclaimer (Club Members are covered by the Club’s Insurance). For this reason we will ask you join after attending one event. If joining during the closed season (May through August) it’s the full annual membership, but this is for the whole of the next season (i.e. 16 months in total).

Click here for 2024-25 membership form.

Additional Membership information can be found here.

Our GDPR Guidelines can found here.

*18th birthday is after 1 September of the current season.