26 March 2024
We held our annual “Members’ present” evening, when members get an opportunity to show their other interests or other photographic interests.
The evening kicked-off with Kathie Bignell presenting her journey through Watercolour painting. The works of art shown were very impressive and included some from Gilly Ghibaldan.
Kathie was followed by Mike Doyle who reviewed his 2024 Wildlife calendar with us. This is something Mike produces annually and features his excellent wildlife images. He ably demonstrated his standards are very high.
Barry Chidlow then showed us some of his woodworking skills and explained how he started Woodworking and specifically woodturning and his journey to where he is today. He brought many examples of his work into the hall for us to enjoy.
David Parkinson rounded off the Members’ presents with a walk through of the history of Goring Hall Golf Club, in photographs. This was a very interesting talk about the history of Goring Hall Golf Club (now Ham Manor Golf Club) and David’s work to locate and restore the photographic history of Goring Hall Golf Club.
The evening was rounded off with a brief review of filters and why people disappear from long exposure images.