16 January 2024
3rd PDI Merit Competition – Judge Paul Thackeray LRPS
We were very pleased to welcome Paul Thackeray LRPS, to judge for the evening. Paul has been a judge since 2016/17.
We had 35 members attend via zoom and a very high standard of images were submitted in each class, for critique and comments from Paul. There were 25 images from the Beginner group, 27 images from the Intermediate group, and 15 images from the Advanced group. More feedback was given to each of the Beginners entries, slightly less for Intermediate and least for the Advanced group. Many helpful hints and tips were given, which included cropping, adding a “stroke line” and removing distractions. Paul also gave suggestions on the use of bracketing. The comments and critique received were very welcome and members will take these away to develop their existing skills and techniques.
Following the judging, Paul commended the club on such a variety of lovely images, and there was a very close fought battle for the overall winner of the competition. Paul’s ‘Best of the Evening’ went to Kevin Hobbs with ‘Nobody Gets Out’.
The winners from each class were as follows (click on an image to enlarge it):
Beginners – Karen Phillips “Bridge over troubled water”
Intermediate – Kevin Hobbs “Nobody Gets Out”
Advanced – John Nalaskowski “Venetian Violinist”
Congratulations to all of the winners, and to all of our members for entering such a strong collection of images.
Our very grateful thanks go to Paul for his excellent judging, comments and critique of all the images and we would also like to send a very big thank you to all our members for continuing to support our club.
The Committee