Report by Jan Budgen
Tuesday 21st January saw the second Print Merit competition. The Advanced group were shown first as this group had the most entries. A very broad spectrum of photos which were constructively judged by Malcolm Bull. Next we saw the entries from the Intermediate group, not as many as in previous competitions but still a lovely selection. The Beginners were shown last, and again, not as many entries as before but some lovely subjects.
Malcolm gave his critique constructively and I am sure we can all put into practice some of his comments on cropping and processing.
The winner of the Advanced group, and winner overall on the night, was ‘Beauty in Imperfection’ by Maureen Martin. The Intermediate group winner was ‘Orange Tip Butterfly’ by John Nalaskowski, and the Beginner’s group winner was ‘Watching the Sun Go Down over Goring Beach’ by Jan Budgen. Congratulations to all the winners.
Thanks to Matt Frost for asking if the winners of each section could give a brief insight as to how they took their photograph. This proved quite successful.
Thanks also to those who helped to set up and put away, your help is always appreciated.
Jan Budgen