26th January 2021
Second PDI Merit Competition – Judge: Malcolm Bull
This was the second time we have held a PDI Competition via Zoom, and again it worked well. Members like seeing the images on their own screens at home, although we miss being together in the Quaker Meeting House. We had 62 entries in all, with a wide variety of subjects and styles.
Many of us know our judge Malcolm Bull, who is a member of Steyning Camera Club. As is usual for Club competitions via Zoom, he had seen our images well in advance, and prepared detailed and constructive comments on each one. We will all be able to benefit from his suggestions for improvements, both when capturing the image, and in post processing. Amongst his other talents as a judge, Malcolm can spot ‘dodgy bits’ introduced when photos are being edited!
Out of the many high quality images, Malcolm chose these 3 as the best.
Best in Advanced category, and Best of Evening:
Pensive Primate by Gerry Slack
Best in Intermediate Category:
Submerged Anemone by John Nalaskowski
Best in Beginners Category:
Autumn Dwelling by Karen Birch
The evening was arranged by our Programme Secretary Kathie Bignell. Thanks also to Mike Ghibaldan for acting as Zoom host, and Liz Farrow and Vince Knight for announcing and recording the scores.
A full list of results can be found on the ‘Competitions/Results 2020-21’ tab.