Tuesday 28th March – Judge – John Lynch
This evening it was Worthing Camera Club’s turn to host this event, which is a competition between ourselves, Steyning and Southwick Camera Clubs. Our judge for the evening was John Lynch, who kindly stepped in at the last minute. It was a bit like ‘old times’ when members were able to get together to share experiences, and have a good general chat. Worthing had 13 members attend on the night, with a few less from Steyning, but quite a few more from Southwick. All three clubs were ready to do battle against each other in the hope they could ‘outwit’ the opposition. Worthing were hoping for a repeat performance of the last competition (pre-COVID), where they came away as winners overall, so they had to try and repeat their previous success.
There were 42 rounds in total and Worthing, as hosts, started the evening by projecting their first image, which Steyning and Southwick had to match. Then Steyning, and Southwick, would take their turn in projecting their own images for matching. It was a close run competition in the early rounds, and Worthing were certainly scoring well against the other two teams up to round 10. There was much heckling and booing towards the judge, with cries of ‘that’s not a match’ and ‘it’s nothing like it’ coming from the floor – especially at the back!
From rounds 11 to 25 Southwick were edging ahead, with Worthing second, and Steyning in third place. Rounds 26 to 35 saw Worthing gaining points on Southwick, and remaining ahead of Steyning. However, from round 36 both Southwick and Steyning gained more points, and as a result in the final 42nd round, Worthing had 30 points with Southwick and Steyning both on 33, which led to a tie-break. After two further rounds Southwick were declared the winners, with Steyning second and Worthing third. Well done Southwick. It was a great evening, and we will certainly look forward to the next one.
Grateful thanks go to our judge John Lynch, who carried on regardless of all the heckling! Also to Kathy for organising the event, Kevin and Howard who selected the images on the night, Rob who was in charge of the projector, and Celia who kept our score. Thanks to Jackie and John for providing refreshments and some very nice biscuits to keep our strength up, and Kathy and Babs who helped in the kitchen. Last, but not least, to our members who could attend on the night, and to everyone for supporting our lovely club.
The Committee