Tuesday 11th February
Members and visitors were welcomed to our Close up/Macro PDI competition. Unfortunately Chris Burstow was unable to attend as our judge for the evening but Roger Bathard, our own club member, was able to step in and judge the competition at short notice. We had a total of 62 images with subjects including flora and fauna, as well as very imaginative subjects, which made for a very interesting and diverse range of images.
This evening was a trial for an alternative method of judging, which resulted in places for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, followed by ‘Highly Commended’ and ‘Commended’. Individual scores were not awarded for this trial. The results for the first four images are below, which were followed by 5 Highly Commended images, and nine Commended images.

Grateful thanks ……..There are many ‘behind the scenes’ members who contribute to successful evenings such as these from laying out chairs to preparing and serving refreshments etc. Thanks also to Mike Gibbons for successfully showing the images on the night.